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First Build Night 2023


VSCode and WPILib

We program Java using VSCode. Specifically WPI VScode downloadable here. This cannot be downloaded on chromebooks, so a windows computer will be preferrable.

Git and Github

Version control is important because it allows everyone to work together. We use Github to store our codebase. If you are not on the Github, contact the programming leads.

We suggest using Gitkraken, but if you want to work on private repositories for free, use Github Desktop. Download Git, Github Desktop and GitKraken.

Guides for Usage made soon maybe.

Advantage Kit and Advantage Scope

"Logging" is an important part of debugging. If the robot malfunctions, we can check the logs for what went wrong. Advantage Kit works in a very special way. It allows us to push specific data through NetworkTables and Media by the radio or USB stick. We can view these files while the robot is running through Network Tables, or after the robot is turned off using Advantage Scope.

Install Advantage Scope here.

Guides and usages made soon, again maybe.

Arm Example Code
public class Arm extends SubsystemBase { // Creates an Arm Class (1)!

    private SparkMaxComponent tiltMotor; // Declares a tiltMotor of the TalonComponent class (2)!
    private TalonComponent extentionMotor; // Declares an extentionMotor of the SparkMaxComponent Class (3)!
    private double targetTiltAngle;
    private double targetExtention;

     * Constructor for the arm.
     * Initializes motors
     * @author Saaleh Poovathumkadavil // (4)
    public Arm() { // (5)
        this.extentionMotor = new TalonComponent(1, TalonMotor.TalonSRX); // (6)!
        this.tiltMotor = new SparkMaxComponent(2, MotorType.kBrushless); // (7)1

    public void setTilt(double tiltAngle) { // (8)!
        targetTiltAngle = tiltAngle;

    public double getTilt() { // (9)!
        return targetTiltAngle;

    public void setExtention(double extention) {
        targetExtension = extension;

    public double getExtention() {
        return targetExtention;

    public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) { // (10)
        builder.addDoubleProperty("Target Tilt Angle", () => targetTiltAngle, null); // (11)!
        builder.addDoubleProperty("Target Extionsion", () => targetExtention, null);

  1. In this case, we are creating a Arm Subsystem. The SubsystemBase is a class provided by WPILib that we can extend. By doing so, we can ensure that the Arm Class has every attribute and method of the SubsystemBase class.

  2. The 2023 Robot, Dwayne The Bot Johnson, uses a NEO motor for Tilt. This motor is controlled by a Spark Max motor controller. Our implementation of this is in the file SparkMaxComponent which extends CANSparkMax

  3. The 2023 Robot, Dwayne The Bot Johnson, uses a 775pro motor for Tilt. This motor is controlled by a Talon SRX controller. Our implementation of this is in the file TalonComponent which extends BaseTalon. This can translate to Talon FX Controllers as well, needs specification in TalonMotor enum.