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Level 1 - Write Code


Java Learning Resources


Curated Learning

WPI Programming Introduction


Clone the Github repository above and open it in VSCode.

In the src/main/java/frc/robot/subsystems/ directory, open

Inside is a TankDriveSubsystem class and constructor.

Use the resources provided to create the attributes and methods necessary for making a subsystem.


Build Night #1

Looking over the flywheel code will be more helpful than looking at the arm code, since the flywheel uses percent output

Then, in the src/main/java/frc/robot/commands/ directory, open

Inside is, once again, a constructor. Fill in the excecute method like the comments say and add authored documentation to everything (All classes and methods with detailed explanations).

Once finished, bring to one of the leads, and we will get it to a coach. Once approved, you will recieve Level 1 in programming.